New season's wind
Lots lots of new releases for new season. I go out for shopping a lot and can't keep up blogging...!!

Hair : mikan / Dress : pesca *barbee. SIM 49L $ BUZZURL!! / Necklace and brooch : Happy finds / Shoes : C'est la vie! *barbee. SIM 49L $ BUZZURL!!
Hair : posh / Dress : C'est la vie! *barbee. SIM 49L $ BUZZURL!! / Necklace : glow studio *old TDR
Hair : trico *old gift (the shop is maybe closed... so sad) / Dress : to one lounge
And new relase from C'est la vie! Love the skirt^O^

Hair : mikan / Shirt and skirt : C'est la vie! *NEW / Shoes : to one lounge

I wear deviant girls's reopening group gift which is sooooooo beautiful as well as SIM (you really should go!). Goes very well with GATO's new dress. I love this texture!!! Thanks Lalu<3
そしてdeviant girlsさんからreopeningのグループギフトがもらえました。とっても日本ぽくて美しい〜!SIMもすっごくきれい!!GATOの新しいドレスとぴったりです^O^柄がとってもお気に入り〜。
Hair : elikatira / Jacket : pivaaca *SGB mall gift (I think the event is over) / Dress and pants : GATO *Dress new! / Necklace : deviant girls *reopening group gift / Shoes : ANEXX

Hair : mikan / Dress : pesca *barbee. SIM 49L $ BUZZURL!! / Necklace and brooch : Happy finds / Shoes : C'est la vie! *barbee. SIM 49L $ BUZZURL!!
Hair : posh / Dress : C'est la vie! *barbee. SIM 49L $ BUZZURL!! / Necklace : glow studio *old TDR
Hair : trico *old gift (the shop is maybe closed... so sad) / Dress : to one lounge
And new relase from C'est la vie! Love the skirt^O^

Hair : mikan / Shirt and skirt : C'est la vie! *NEW / Shoes : to one lounge

I wear deviant girls's reopening group gift which is sooooooo beautiful as well as SIM (you really should go!). Goes very well with GATO's new dress. I love this texture!!! Thanks Lalu<3
そしてdeviant girlsさんからreopeningのグループギフトがもらえました。とっても日本ぽくて美しい〜!SIMもすっごくきれい!!GATOの新しいドレスとぴったりです^O^柄がとってもお気に入り〜。
Hair : elikatira / Jacket : pivaaca *SGB mall gift (I think the event is over) / Dress and pants : GATO *Dress new! / Necklace : deviant girls *reopening group gift / Shoes : ANEXX
I was very impressed with the SKII Facial Treatment Essence (, enough so that I have continued to use the product daily as part of my skin care routine after the test period. It's a luxury purchase to be sure, but this is one of the best products that can really make a significant difference in your skin, and so worth every penny.
I applied the treatment each morning and evening after cleansing my skin and before moisturizer/primer and then makeup. Within just a few days I could see that my skin was much more supple and smooth - particularly in the t-zone. After about two weeks, I loved the beautiful glow my skin had - even without makeup.
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